
The pom.xml file, or Project Object Model, is a fundamental piece of a Maven-based project. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project.

The pom.xml file defines the project's dependencies, plugins, build settings, and other project-specific information. It also specifies the project's parent and modules, if any.

The pom.xml file is located in the root directory of the project and contains various elements that describe the project, such as:

  • Group ID, Artifact ID, and Version: These elements uniquely identify the project and are used to generate the project's artifact, such as a JAR or WAR file.

  • Dependencies: These elements define the external libraries that the project depends on.

  • Build Settings: These elements define the settings for building the project, such as the source and target Java versions, compiler plugins, and build profiles.

  • Plugins: These elements specify the Maven plugins used to build the project and define the configuration for those plugins.

The pom.xml file serves as the project's configuration file for Maven and is used to manage the project's build process, dependencies, and other settings.

Group ID, Artifact ID, and Version:

To set the Group ID, Artifact ID, and Version in the pom.xml file, you can include the following elements in the <project> element:


Here, you would replace your.group.id with your own group ID, your-artifact-id with your own artifact ID, and 1.0.0 with your own version number.

The group ID typically follows a reverse domain name format, such as com.example or org.apache. The artifact ID is typically the name of the project, and the version number follows a semantic versioning format, such as 1.2.0.

Note that the group ID and artifact ID together uniquely identify your project in the Maven ecosystem. When you build your project with Maven, it will generate a file with the format <artifactId>-<version>.<packaging>, such as your-artifact-id-1.0.0.jar.

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