Creating Project In SonarCloud

To create a project in SonarCloud, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to SonarCloud: Go to the SonarCloud website ( and sign in using your GitHub, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps account.

  2. Navigate to the Dashboard: Once you are logged in, you will land on the SonarCloud dashboard.

  3. Create a new organization (optional): If you haven't created an organization yet, you can create one by clicking on the "+" button next to the "Organizations" section on the left sidebar. Follow the prompts to create your organization.

  4. Create a new project: In the SonarCloud dashboard, click on the "+" button next to the "Projects" section on the left sidebar.

  5. Configure project settings: In the project creation form, you will be prompted to provide details about your project. These may include the project name, project key (a unique identifier), and the repository URL where your code is hosted.

  6. Choose the analysis method: SonarCloud provides various analysis methods depending on your project's programming language and build system. Select the appropriate method for your project.

    • For example, if you have a Java project using Maven, you can choose "Maven" as the analysis method.

    • If you have a JavaScript project using npm, you can choose "npm" as the analysis method.

  7. Follow the setup instructions: SonarCloud will provide you with instructions specific to your selected analysis method. These instructions typically involve adding a SonarCloud plugin or dependency to your build configuration file (e.g., pom.xml for Maven or package.json for npm).

    • Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and configure your build system accordingly.

  8. Trigger the analysis: Once you have set up the project, trigger the analysis by running your build or using the provided SonarScanner command-line tool. This will initiate the code analysis process and send the results to SonarCloud.

  9. View project analysis results: After the analysis is completed, you can view the project's analysis results on the SonarCloud dashboard. It will provide you with an overview of code quality metrics, issues, and other insights about your project.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a project in SonarCloud and start analyzing the quality of your codebase. Remember to integrate SonarCloud into your CI/CD pipeline for continuous code analysis and improvement.

Last updated