Triggering Scan

Here's an example of a SonarScanner command that triggers a scan to SonarCloud with properties passed as attributes:

sonar-scanner \
  -Dsonar.projectKey=your_project_key \
  -Dsonar.organization=your_organization_key \
  -Dsonar.sources=src \ \

In this example:

  • Replace your_project_key with the key of your project in SonarCloud.

  • Replace your_organization_key with the key of your organization in SonarCloud.

  • Adjust the value of sonar.sources to the directory containing your source code that you want to analyze.

  • Set to the URL of SonarCloud ( for the public instance).

  • Replace your_authentication_token with the access token or authentication token for your SonarCloud account.

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